Donnerstag, 26. April 2012

Dringlicher Aufruf zur Teilnahme am Maiaufmarsch der Wiener Plattform Atomkraftfrei

am Dienstag, dem 1. Mai 2012, Treffpunkt 9:30
vor dem Burgtheater Dr. Karl Lueger-Ring 2, 1010 Wien


Die Stresstests haben auf den ersten Blick bisher durchwegs gute Ergebnisse gebracht. Allerdings wird nicht dazugesagt, dass der Reaktortyp aus den Stresstests ausgeklammert ist, das bedeutet, dass selbst Risikoreaktoren ohne zusätzliche Schutzhülle (Volldruck-Containment) nicht abgeschaltet werden müssen!
Die meisten AKWs an Österreichs Grenzen haben kein Containment: MOCHOVCE 1 & 2, BOHUNICE 3 & 4, DUKOVANY 1-4, PAKS 1-4! Sie fallen bei den Stresstests durch den Rost und das ist skandalös! Sie müssen sofort vom Netz genommen werden! Auch für MOCHOVCE 3 & 4 ist kein Containment vorgesehen, daher muss der Bau dieses AKWs sofort gestoppt werden!
Kommen Sie zum Maiaufmarsch und protestieren wir gemeinsam gegen diese „Beruhigungspille“! Fordern Sie mit uns die Abschaltung der Reaktoren ohne Containment an Österreichs Grenzen! Lassen wir uns nicht durch die völlig zahnlosen Stresstests hinters Licht führen! Es geht um unsere Sicherheit und die unserer Nachbarn!
Die ÖsterreicherInnen haben sich klar gegen AKWs ausgesprochen und sind jetzt umzingelt von Schrottreaktoren, für deren Abschaltung sich unsere Bundesregierung, besonders Umweltminister Berlakovich, entschieden einsetzen muss! Außerdem muss er alles tun, um die Inbetriebnahme von Mochovce 3 + 4 zu verhindern!

Kommen Sie zahlreich zum Aufmarsch und unterstützen Sie uns!

Gemeinsam können wir viel erreichen!

Wir bitten um Rückmeldung, wenn Sie zum Aufmarsch kommen können (Mail oder Anruf). Danke!
Tel.: (Maria Urban) 01/865 99 39 (morgens u. abends),  Fax: 01/865 99 39

Mit anti-atom-kräftigen Grüßen
Johanna Nekowitsch
für die Wiener Plattform Atomkraftfrei


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Mittwoch, 1. Februar 2012

City Assemblyman in Tokyo to School Children: Don't Be an Egoist, Eat Your School Lunch to Share the Pain of Tohoku
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

An assemblyman in Itabashi-ku, one of the 23 Special Wards in Tokyo, writes in his official blog that egoism fostered by the post-World War II education system is the root cause of this unscientific, rumor-based hysteria of the parents who want their children not to eat school lunch and instead want them to bring their own lunch boxes and water for fear of internal radiation exposure from contaminated food items used in school lunch.

45-year-old Assemblyman Yoshiyuki Motoyama's main message: "Those of us, who have been spared of the damage from the disaster, must share the pain of Tohoku people."

Japan toward the end of the World War II had a national slogan: All citizens of Japan to die rather than allow surrender - 一億玉砕. Some people seem to want to re-start that campaign.

From the blog post by Yoshiyuki Motoyama, assemblyman from Itabashi-ku, Tokyo on 1/23/2012:

On Sunday column in Sankei Shinbun, there was an article. About school lunch.


School lunch started after the World War II...


Back then, there were children from poor families who couldn't bring bento (lunch box), but...


School lunch started, and everyone get to eat together, and that built bonds and sense of solidarity, the article said.


That's the educational meaning of school lunch, right there.


That is right now being shaken by a handful of egoists.


They mix the problem of radiation contamination after the nuclear accident...


and demand that they be given the freedom to drop out of the school lunch system because there are problems with the radiation in food items. ([They want their children to] bring bento and water to schools.)


They fight the local government without any scientific proof.


Indeed, this is the epitome of baseless rumor.


For us, the citizens of this country who escaped the damage, it is important to share the pain of people in the Tohoku disaster areas.


Removing inconvenience around them, is that all they care about?


When did such egoism take root in the Japanese people?


I get it, it's education!
He is calling the concerned parents of children in nursery schools, kindergartens, elementary schools, middle schools, high schools who do not want their children to ingest radioactive materials in food items used in school lunch by bringing lunch boxes and bottled water, and the children themselves, egoists.

This is about half of the post, which reads like a composition by an eighth grader at best. I tried my best, but I probably didn't do a good job of translating it at that level. My blood pressure rose too high to translate the rest of the dribble. Yes, clearly the post-war education system has been a big problem in Japan, as evidenced by this assemblyman.

Montag, 28. November 2011

Radioaktivity in Tokyo C. Busby interviewed Live on AlJazeera

(From Youtube)

*C. Busby interview AlJazeera didn´t Youtube-release. Sept 2011, up-loaded on 11/14 by radioactivebsr( )

C. Busby was interviewed Live on AlJazeera, but AlJazeera cut the interview out of the Youtube-release. This Skype interview was on radioactivity in Tokyo and children of Fukushima having heart attacks caused by Cesium 137, that attaches to muscle.

It was supposed to be on this video

Scientist Marco Kaltofen Presents Data Confirming Hot Particles

Hi, I'm Arnie Gundersen from Fairewinds.
It is October 31st, 2011. This is a video that contains scientific information that we have been wanting to share with you for a long time. Today, in Washington D.C. at 8:30 in the morning, scientist Marco Kaltofen gave a presentation to some doctors who are part of the American Public Health Association. The paper is now on our website, next to this video.
To summarize the paper, citizens, some doctors and scientists, some bloggers, some farmers, around the world provided samples to Mr. Kaltofen who analyzed them for Fukushima radiation. An example of what he found is a slide that contains air filters from cars in Japan and in the United States. Cars in the United States hardly have any radiation in their air filters. Cars in Tokyo had quite a lot, way too much. Cars in Fukushima Prefecture were incredibly radioactive.
Now I think it is important because the nuclear industry will say, well everything is radioactive and therefore we should not worry. Well, the Seattle data shows that not everything is radioactive. And it shows that the people in Japan received enormous exposures of particles into their lungs and into their digestive systems, during the course of the accident.
Another piece of information is that Fairewinds viewers were able to send in children's shoes from Japan. Mr. Kaltofen has data that clearly show that the concentration of cesium on the kid's shoelaces was astronomically high, around 80 disintegrations per second. What does that mean? Kids tie their shoes, their hands get radioactive and it goes into their G.I. tract. If it is on the ground, it is in the dust in the playground and it is in their lungs. I think that between the two, the air filters and the children's shoes, it shows that there is a severe personal health problem in Japan that will manifest itself in cancers over the next 10 or 20 years.
Now Mr. Kaltofen did not just look at Japan. He set up monitoring stations in the United States as well. Two of the three monitoring stations in the United States did show hot particles in the air in April. Since then, there have not been any hot particles. But in April, it is clear that, at the worst of the accident, hot particles were wafted across the Pacific and deposited in Seattle and in Boston at least. There is also data that indicates contamination on the ground in the Cascades, which are a mountain range right up against the Pacific Ocean.
So I think we have two problems here. In Japan, there is a personal health issue and what that means is that individuals have received enough radiation that there is going to be a statistically meaningful increase in cancers in Tokyo and especially in Fukushima Prefecture.
In the United States, it is a different story. It is a public health issue and not a personal health issue. What that means is that we will never know who is the individual who got cancer from Fukushima. But we can be sure that the radiation did reach here and that there will be an increase in cancers, especially on the West Coast where the Rocky Mountains stopped most of the radiation and deposited it on the ground.
So, this paper was given to the American Public Health Association. And here it is a public health issue. We cannot run and we cannot hide. But the radiation is up and down the West Coast and then also scattered about the rest of the United States.
In Japan, it is a different story. They need to aggressively go after the contamination that has been discovered. It is so obvious on these air filters and on children's shoes. It takes a concerted national effort, not a haphazard effort of chasing hot spots, in order to reduce the amount of radioactivity that is on the soil and in the air in Japan right now.
And the last thing the paper shows is that it is wrong to have a 10 mile evacuation planning zone. Clearly, the damage can extend out as far as Tokyo. We need to look at emergency planning and evacuations well beyond the 10 miles that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission uses here and the 12 miles that the Japanese used during the accident. You may recall that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission said that Americans needed to evacuate 50 miles from Fukushima at the peak of the accident. Well, if it is good enough for Americans living in Japan, that same criteria should be good enough for Americans living in the United States.
The data in Mr. Kaltofen's paper came from citizens. It came from farmers. It came from scientists. It came from bloggers. It was an effort by individuals and not government. I think if we had relied on the government to get us this information, we never would have gotten it. So it is an important achievement for all of us, to recognize that together, using the internet, we can all provide information for scientists to use, to come to rational decisions on public policy.
This November we are asking for your support so we can continue our scientific analysis and these educational videos. There is a donate button on the Fairewinds site and we would appreciate it if you considered a financial contribution.
Thank you very much. We will keep you informed.

Nachtrag zu Krümmel und Leukämie ZDF,1872,7245527,00/msg2270681.php

"Die Kommission hat zwölf Jahre nach Ursachen gesucht und alle erdenkliche Ursachen für die Leukämie-Serie ausschließen können – chemische Gründe, Düngemittel, Pestizide und andere Umweltgifte. Übrig geblieben ist die Vermutung, dass Strahlung die Leukämie-Fälle an der Elbe ausgelöst", erläutert ein Kommissions-Mitglied, der Strahlenbiologe Prof. Edmund Lengfelder von der Universität München.
zitat ende.

beachten sie bitte die einordnung "vermutung". klare beweise gibt es also nicht, die einen zusammenhang mit kinderkrebs herstellen.

es fehlt auch weiterhin in diesem untersuchungsbericht, die berücksichtigung der familiären erbgeschichten und berücksichtung der beruflichen risiken, denen die eltern möglicherweise ausgesetzt sind oder waren. auch wurde nicht untersucht, welchen risiken sich die eltern selbst aussetzung durch ernährung und konsum.

richtig war ohne zweifel, das man in der umgebung auf weitere emessionsherde abgeprüft hat. im gegensatz zur KiKK-studie.

ganz wesentlich fehlt die definition welche form der leukämie aufgetreten ist. denn sie hat zuortenbare auslöser.